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Annals of Experimental Biology: This is an online open-access, peer-reviewed journal that supports the community of scientists who study molecular, cellular, and organismal physiology in an evolutionary and environmental context. By publishing peer-reviewed original research in all fields of biology, articles on comparative physiology, and papers on the biological functions of living things at all scales, from the molecular to the integrated whole animals. Both the reviewers and the editorial board of the publication are composed of experts in their fields. The articles that have received final approval for publication in the Journal of Annals of Experimental Biology support the journal's objectives of bringing together clinical physicians and researchers for them to share knowledge and generate results that are beneficial to humanity. These articles cover recent and ongoing research, particularly in the field of Experimental Biology.

The Annals of Experimental Biology publishes articles bimonthly throughout the year and collects all reports in the field of biological research from several different disciplines into one scholarly magazine. Among the topics covered in the Journal of Annals of Experimental Biology are Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Biological Sciences Crop sciences, cell biology, conservation, and ecosystem management Environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, and ecology Science of Food and Nutrition, Genetics of Forestry Genetic Modification Human biology, science, and horticultural science, Immunology Pathology, microbiology, and molecular biology, Physiology, psychology, toxicology, pathology, pharmaceuticals, and plant breeding, Veterinary sciences, specialized farming techniques, and soil sciences. The journal accepts, reviews, and tracks submitted manuscripts online using the Editorial Manager System. Any citable paper that is accepted for publication must get the approval of at least two impartial reviewers. The editor's approval is also essential. Members of the editorial board as well as other outside experts may serve as reviewers. The audience receiving only items that are truthful and beneficial is one of the journal's main objectives.

The goal of the JAEB is to give other researchers working in related fields more knowledge and information as well as to publicize the most recent findings in the field of experimental biology to a global audience, to honor scientists and researchers for their commitment to the sciences and help them realize their full potential. The JAEB is an eminent journal that has many categories, a significant readership, and the ability to distribute content. The expertise of experts from across the world is shared in this journal, assisting those working in or doing research in related fields as well as educating the general public.


Journal Impact Factor: 2.34

In the real world of Experimental Biology, researchers from the domains of physiology, biochemistry, pathology, and pharmacology network, interact and discuss the most recent findings (EB). Experimental biology provides an unrivaled opportunity for international exchange among scientists who represent dozens of scientific fields, from laboratory to translational to clinical research, with a mission to share the most recent scientific concepts and research findings influencing clinical advancements.

Because of changing lifestyles, people are getting sicker more often. Researchers have successfully replicated clinical research that looked at kidney injury in patients using a virtual population. The model examined how calcium channel blockers successfully predicted the degree of kidney damage using information from a prior long-term experiment. Epidemiologic studies have repeatedly indicated that more severe KI is linked with a significantly higher risk of mortality, whereas even minor increases in serum creatinine (SCr) among hospitalized patients are associated with poorer outcomes. Thus, the creation of innovative therapeutics to both prevent and cure AKI is of tremendous interest. However, it has been difficult to agree on adequate AKI criteria and renal end goals for clinical trials. The experimental biology laboratory, therefore, plays a critical role in the treatment of patients by providing clinicians with information on the cause of a disease as well as information on kidney injury. To begin a successful program and improve treatment outcomes, experimental biology is crucial.

Benefits of Publishing in Journal of Annals of Experimental Biology:

• High-quality peer review service

• International Editorial Board

• Doi (Digital Object Identifier)

• Full Text (HTML)

• Preprints

Article Processing Charge: 1050 Euros

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